Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, miracles do occur, and one can get decent food on an airplane. It's true.

After quite a long but not particularly arduous journey (thankfully), I reached the Glendon Campus of York University at 2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, assuming the rest of the VIT "contingent" had reached. Apparently I was wrong. Jet lag caused most of the exchange people to fall asleep before 8 pm, leaving the un-jet lagged to forage for food. As it was summertime and no full-time students were on campus, the campus cafeteria was closed, and downtown was a 25 minute walk away. And we were really hungry!

A hospital came to our rescue. We walked to Sunnybrook Medical Center, about 7 minutes away, where our princely meal of soup awaited us. Rohit was smart enough to buy a sandwich, come back to our Residence and heat it up, while I was happy with my hot chocolate. Canada is chilly, even in the summer, just so you know. Shivering in the cold, holding onto my extremely sweet hot chocolate, I had my first meal of this trip. Well, atleast on land.

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