Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Of friendship, bunkbeds and cheesecake!

"Prachi, we've eaten way too much. We can't have dessert."
"Anisha, we can't have individual dessert."
"You're right! So do you want to split one between everyone?"
"Let's split it between both of us."
"Yay!! I want this one!"

This sort of dialogue repeated itself several times over a weekend of food, friends and what currently seems like a million photos on facebook! Perhaps it's time to write about the weekend in a city I was told is a must on any visit to Canada- Montreal, QC! A city once known to me only as the home of the Canadian Grand Prix, I think now of it with fond memories. But then, I get ahead of myself.

The Montreal plan was atleast two months in the making; Anisha and I had been fixing dates since we left Toronto Orientation. So when the pseudo French weekend finally arrived, we were quite excited! (our bbm statuses bear witness to that) A momentous 8 hour journey of Greyhound, Megabus and STM (Montreal Metro) later, we were at Bonaventure, where Anisha, Rashida and Manoti met us. Hugging ensued :P Also, Shruti had succeeded in teaching Therese (origin:Sweden) a few chosen swearwords. Hence, Manoti was greeted as "Moti R****" by a white person. (no racism intended) :D

It was 11 pm by the time we got to our first meal in Montreal (trust me, the food was very important) and thankfully, downtown is awake till 4 am (unlike most of North America). We headed to a trattoria (of course) and ordered large amounts of excellent food. We were eating for about two hours, at the end of which the aforementioned dessert banter occurred.

Saturday, we headed to old Montreal, after a hearty brunch obviously. Not very old compared to Indian standards (just about 300 years), but you could see a marked boundary where glass and shiny were replaced by facades and cobblestones. The original BMO building, the Courts and the Notre Dame! I know, not the original, but magnificent nonetheless. I left most of the pretty building photography to the dhatting camera (Nikita) so most of my photos are food and funny people :D The sky was overcast and the air was chilly, but nothing stopped us from wonderful and immature walks along the waterfront. I say immature because there were performances of "There was a girl" and "Rin tin tin" along the way, as well as very sincere efforts to get jumping photos :P Across the water, we saw an extremely odd structure, something that looked like someone had stacked LEGO blocks with gaps in the middle. Later of course i found out that was Habitat 67. Talk about uninformed!

It was 8 pm by the time we got to the next meal: Pino! I haven't had too much canneloni in my life, but this was fabulous! I have a thing for European food. Or food in general.
And to top it all, for dessert, we had Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake. Yes, I kid you not. It was unbelievable. Absolutely.

I must say, it looked like everyone was going to drop dead by 10 pm. Everyone was tired, and with much effort we got the bracelets for this party at Altitude 737. The surprise arrival of Anisha's roommate though, spurred her (and as a result, us) up, and in full enthusiasm we dressed up for a party we knew not much about. When we finally got there, it was about midnight and the place was ALIVE! First of all, the club was on like the 37th or 50th or some floor like that. Then, it had a huge terrace which opened out into a view of Montreal. I called it "the very awesome place". The music was great and we danced for almost three hours straight. The atmosphere got everyone high! They played traditional party, salsa, hip hop and even Mundiyan :D And no grinding :D The very end was marred by the wallet incidents, but Ruchi and Nikita took it in good spirit :) <3

The night went on till almost 6 am, and finally we were out and ready by about 10 30 on Sunday morning. A steaming hot chocolate and some delicious blueberry cheesecake later (Anisha still owes me some of that) later, Olympic stadium! Very touristy that we were, we went up the tower, some people went to the Biodome while a few others went to the Bubble (Biosphere). The view from the top of the Tower was beautiful; we had seen Montreal by night, and now by day. We had great plans of reaching the Bubble after that, but we just went to a very cool Art Cafe and chilled instead. Chilling is awesome, as was the coffee, croissant and whatever Rashida had. Delectable.

The weekend was short, but great, to say the least. It was perfectly relaxed and much needed. Splendid company, a feast for the eyes, stomach and brain and the best Canadian weekend I've had. I love all you guys <3

Let the randomness and joy of travel continue! :)


  1. Fantastic piece of summation of food friends and fun in montreal...<3 dhatting :P

  2. awesome!! i love how you convey our passion for food so well... and the other things also, but mainly food :P best weekend in canada indeed!!
    love the way its written :)

  3. Oh wow Prach, I loved it! What an awesome re-cap of all the events. Very accurately written with a good sense of humour. I want to see more of your work.

    - Poop daddy

  4. Thank you guys :) keep reading, the writing bug is back!

  5. I absolutely love your writing !!:)
