Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's been a long couple of weeks!

Yes. Finally!

It's pretty late on a Saturday night, and finally I have decided to update my blog! Forgive the delay, but it has been an unbelievable couple of weeks in so many ways! As I finished my Reaction Engineering lab on Thursday evening (Thursday is my worst day schedule-wise), I was dead tired, and realized that I just wanted to sleep at home. Except now home meant 611 Lambton Hall.

After New York, the only thing that happened of note was the Megabus ride from Philly to Toronto. Warning- MEgabuses can be more than an hour late. But they are really comfortable. It's like 9 hours of a Shivneri and no one sitting next to you. And wifi :) I can't think of more economical, comfy ways to travel. Immigration was at 6 am though :(

I entered London (the one in Ontario, not the cool one) on a dreary, wet day; not the best of welcomes. But the University of Western Ontario (henceforth referred to as Western or UWO) campus is just beautiful! Wonderfully green and quite big, it's a very nice "bubble" (as it's called) to live in. Lambton Hall is full of international students, and do we know how to party! Western is that kind of school: every minute we're not studying, we're partying. London's economy runs due to Western students; UWO may be located in London, but London exists for Western. Downtown is no bigger than Deccan area, but all throughout the week, Richmond Row is alive. Richmond Row is a line of clubs, pubs and the like, forever inhabited by Western students after dark. Partying is so big here, that lines to get in on Friday or Saturday nights stretch for miles! Okay, not miles, London isn't big enough, but trust me, they are very long :D

Lambton Hall is no less. All you have to do is knock on someone's door, saying you were looking for a party. If they don't know where it is, they'll start one for you. Trust me, this happened to us! If it's not a few frames of pool at the Spoke (the campus sports tavern) then it's the Sunday pot luck or the newest- the wine and cheese wednesday :D I love living here! Saying that I live in 611 would be a lie; I sleep there, but I'm just generally downstairs at my friend Pooja's place. We cook there, eat dinner there, read the newspapers there, even leech off Pooja's internet. (Fancy Mac people with their Airport modes! :P) As a result of this non-occupation, my room is unbelievably clean! My mother would be proud.

Speaking of pride, I get major ego boosts by cooking nowadays! It feels so good to fill your refrigerator with products of your own hard work, even if you're the only one eating it :D I can't deal with eating outside every day, it becomes dreadfully boring. Every week I think of what to get to make my cooking better. I'm a culinary work in progress! :P

After the first few days of non-classes, I was suddenly bombarded with a ton of classes and assignments! In the second week, we had four assignments due! That is preposterous! Classes here take the phrase "keeping you on your toes" too literally. I'm forever swamped with work. It's a good week if I'm done with my assignments for the week on Thursday :D But I'm not complaining! The idea of constantly using your brain appeals to me, and I love sitting in the library! I am particularly incapable of studying at home (I see the bed and I think of zzzzzz) so I'm generally in Weldon or Taylor Libraries. I love libraries!

On this extremely nerdy note, I shall end this post. I had the most frustrating day today though-spent 6 hours doing two assignments, of which we're not quite done with one! Argh. But then, I'm loving it :)

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